Gutting a dead scanner
This broken HP C7670A scanner should come in handy in this project! I'm sure I'll find the one stepper I've been looking for, and maybe I'll use this one as a base for the whole laser CNC thingy. The broken HP C7670A. So I opened it and removed the PCBs. They're going back to the electronic waste disposal... I like the way they tighten the belt in this scanner! This spring keeps the belt tight while travelling around with it. Remove the poisonous light bulb carefully... It's VERY fragile, like an uncooked spaghetti, and contains poisonous mercury. Mercury causes all kinds of nasty stuff and it can even make you homosexual! You heard right! Well at least if you're a bird, according to BBC . Be VERY careful with this lamp... I took the optics away from the scanner tray. Pretty. Dunno what to do with them yet. Some mirrors, a lens and the image sensor. Tray's now empty. I wonder how I will do the second axis... This might be a C...